Monday, October 6, 2008

Solar Power, Do People Really Have Them In Residential Homes?

I'm almost positive that since you bumped into this site, you are probably on the lookout for an alternative way to put electricity in your home.

I could only just picture how much the cost your utilities has been skyrocketing. I can certainly sympathize with you, as I was going through something similar, myself.

It really has gotten just completely crazy hasn't it?

It used to be that my mortgage was by far, my highest expense. A couple of months, though the electricity bill was pretty close to it.

The good news though was that was all the motivation I needed to learn how to install solar power in my residential house.

When I was in the early stages of how to build home made solar panels and what was involved, I had no idea what I was doing.

I grabbed every free internet resource I could get a hold of and it was like an engineering class. It was so over my head that it was laughable. The real frustrating aspect was that I really wanted to learn how to do this, but none of it was synching in.

I just needed someone or something to explain all of this in a simple step by step manner, in layman's terms. After all, you shouldn't have to be a NASA engineer to figure out how to install solar power in you home, especially in the amazing information age that we live in.

I was ready to give up. I wanted to find something for free (being the cheapskate that I am), but everything that was free just wasn't helping me. Everything I found would have had to been translated for me to understand.

After a couple of weeks of surfing around with no luck, my friend recommended me to an online course that he had just recently participated in, and said it was really super. He said the course was real easy to follow and implement, and after it was all said and done he had solar power flowing into his residential home.

The site was Earth 4 Energy. I could have screamed at him for not telling me about it earlier. As it turns out, it has to be one of the best purchases that I have ever made.

I was totally knocked out at how simple it all really was. The process was explained in simple english, and walked me through each particular step, no matter how basic, with incredible detail.

It's obvious that they really took the time to make sure that any Joe-schmo could understand this.

A couple months later, I am proud to say that my electric bill has gone down by as much as 70%.

So, the decision is all yours.. You could be saving yourself lots of money each and every month off of your electricity bill, and in the also doing something great for the environment or you could just keep on paying that over inflated price on electricity every single month, knowing that it's only going to keep rising.

At the very least if you don't like it, you can return it for a refund and at the very least, you've learned a little bit more about solar power.